Check here often for savings on Kauai vacation rentals. Choices may include Kauai resorts at Poipu Beach and Princeville. Each feature Kauai condos for couples or family vacations and have complete kitchens. Depending on season you may also see a selection of vacation homes. No matter your choice, all include our premium amenities and guest services that make for a relaxing Kauai vacation.
Book direct and receive a nightly discount on select condos and on select homes for your upcoming Kauai stay.
No matter your choice, all include our premium amenities and guest services that make for a relaxing Kauai stay.
The Parrish Collection is a locally owned and based real estate management company that specializes in vacation rentals on Kauai and Maui. Our collections of rentals are professionally managed by in-house staff with a commitment to personalized service, fine attention to detail and a true sense of Aloha. Our team looks forward to hosting you soon.